The VÍAS-CC Plan is the first sectoral adaptation plan in Colombia. This pioneering plan, financed by the Climate and Development Alliance (CDKN), is even more relevant at a time when the Government of Colombia is promoting the most ambitious road infrastructure program in its history, the fourth generation of road concessions – 4G, with an investment of close to US$18.3 billion, to modernize the main road corridors and strengthen the sector’s competitiveness. The VÍAS-CC Plan is a roadmap for building more resilient roads, making more cost-effective investments in the long term and gradually incorporating climate change adaptation into the planning, financing, operations and maintenance of the country’s main roads. As a result of the Plan, the first climate risk study for the primary road network and pilot climate vulnerability analyses at the road section level have been generated; an Interinstitutional Committee on Climate Change and a Climate Change Working Group within the Ministry of Transportation have also been formed.